Our Holdover Loan is an alternative to traditional, costly payday lending. If you find yourself coming up short on cash one month, our Payday Alternative Loan helps hold you over with up to $1,000, regardless of credit score.
You’ll pay less fees and interest than expensive options offered by payday lenders; and instead of repaying the full amount all at once, you can repay a Holdover Loan in low payments over a six month period.
How it Works:
- $20 application fee (must be paid up front)
- Maximum loan of $1,000 at 28.00% APR
- Must be a member in good standing for 3+ months
- Must be employed for 6+ months and demonstrate ability to repay
- Only one Holdover Loan allowed at a time
- No more than 3 Holdover Loans in a rolling 6-month period